The Mark of The Beast – Having read and heard many interpretations as to what is the mark of the beast, I felt that something was always missing. I believe this mark to be quite subtle and hiding right in our faces. I first wrote this in 2011. The basic thoughts have not changed in 2024. Walk through the Word of ELOHIM with me to unlock vital truths about this necessary understanding.
AFRAID TO WALK BACKWARDS – Why do Christians disagree on so many Biblical doctrines? This article explores the reasons and the solutions.
What’s In A Name, Understanding the Biblical Presentations of God and LORD – English versions of the Bible present words like God, GOD, LORD, and Lord. What do these words actually mean? Could they hide a deeper understanding of what was originally presented by the Hebrew writers? This article walks us through the original intent of these writers and challenges believers to reverence names that have been hidden from them.
The Bread We Eat – This updated article will challenge members of the Household of Faith to more fully understand the metaphoric use of bread in the Word of ELOHIM as it applies to the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened bread. It requires the humility to take a step back with a willingness to allow ourselves to be broken and taken forward by the Spirit of Truth, to open our minds to this potentially mind blowing revelation about how ELOHIM has presented the bread we have been commanded to eat.
In That Day, The Return Of Yisrael – I was curious about this Biblical phrase, “in that day”. As I researched ELOHIM’s WORD, this phrase, which has received so little attention from the Household of Faith, speaks volumes about Yisrael’s return to its land, and the culmination of the plan of ELOHIM for the world.
The Symbolism of the Atonement – Historically, on this appointed time, the Children of Yisrael were cleansed of their sins, so they would be clean before YAHWEH once a year. In modernity, on this day the Household of Faith (HOF) is cleansed of our sins so we may appear clean before our FATHER once a year. This updated article is designed to provide clarity to this most holy and humbling time for the HOF, as well as to open our understanding of how this day shall mutually fulfill several other appointed times, when YAHSHUA HAMASHIAC shall return a second time for HIS saints.
The Appointed Time of Tabernacles – Many teach that there are two separate Holy Days, the Feast of Tabernacles and then the Last Great Day. This updated article challenges this teaching by examining ELOHIM’s WORD to seek the knowledge of the truth regarding the true and wonderful meaning of this eight-day time period, which once understood, captures the wholeness of ELOHIM’s plan of salvation for THEIR most precious creation; mankind.
Can You Count To Fifty? The Appointed Time of Weeks – The subject of much controversy amongst the Household of Faith; when does the count to the Appointed Time Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) begin. This article takes a critical look at what ELOHIM’s WORD provides for our edification.
The True Worship of God (ELOHIM) – Finally, I updated the very first article ELOHIM blessed me to write, to conform to my current writing style, standards and continued spiritual growth. It was written for those seeking an understanding of the Word of ELOHIM (the WOE, called the Bible) without all the shouting and man’s input. It has touched a few persons to look at the WOE with a newfound sense of purpose to eliminate false worship, and to trust in the ELOHIM of Yisrael.
The Holy Spirit Revealed – Ask a variety of people who profess Christianity to explain the Holy Spirit and you will probably get as many different answers as the variety you asked. And, it’s possible they may all be correct. This article examines the Holy Spirit, contrasting its many forms to the common beliefs of another popular view within the Household of Faith.
How Do We Become Unleavened? – Part One – For those that honor the Appointed Time (Feast) of Unleavened Bread, you know the importance of this 7-day period of unleavening. Yet, isn’t it truly a spiritual precursor for how our walk with YAHSHUA should be every day of the year. Walk with me as we discuss this process for the Household of Faith and their walk amongst those outside. This is part one.
How Do We Become Unleavened – Part Two – For those that honor the Appointed Time (Feast) of Unleavened Bread, you know the importance of this 7-day period of unleavening. Yet, isn’t it truly a spiritual precursor for how our walk with YAHSHUA should be every day of the year. Walk with me as we discuss this process for the Household of Faith and their walk amongst those outside. This is part two.
Why Did The MOST HIGH Choose Yisrael? – A friend once ask me – Why did ELOHIM choose Yisrael? My response, which was based on my limited studies of Yisrael past and present, was that they were chosen because of their stupidity. As I followed up on this question, the answers I found were astounding. Check it out!
Shall We All Die – Ever ask yourself what is death? Is there a first and second death? What about the resurrection? What shall happen during the first and second resurrections? This article explores what the Word of ELOHIM (the Bible) teaches us.
What Is Unleavened Bread, and Why Do We Eat It – Members of the Household of Faith should be of one mind when we consider the unleavened bread we are commanded to eat during the days of unleavened bread, which we should know are inclusive of the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This article is written to aid our understanding of what and why we have been commanded to eat at this precious time of the year.
The Sons of God, Who Are They? – In modernity, outside sources have caused many within the Household of Faith to conclude that angels have cohabitated with with women. Does the Bible teach this? This article explores the Bible as well as the outside sources to reveal the truth, according to ELOHIM.
Will They Burn Forever? Have you been taught that the wicked go to a burning hell when they die? And, have you been taught that the wicked shall forever be burning and eaten on by worms in that ever burning place? This article takes a close look into this subject and presents what is written in the Word of ELOHIM (the Bible).